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Therapist in Brooklyn Heights – Flourish Psychology

Receive Counseling in Brooklyn Heights in NYC from the Therapists of Flourish Psychology

Flourish Psychology is a boutique private psychotherapy practice located in Brooklyn Heights, that also offers TeleHealth to allow for better access to mental healthcare no matter your location. Our therapists have decades of combined experience providing comfort and supportive care using a variety of evidence based approaches.

Please contact us today at 917-737-9475 if you’re in need of a local therapist or couples counselor that understands you, sees, you, and can address your anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, and more. We’d love to schedule time to meet, and see if we are the right fit for your mental health needs.

About Us – Flourish Psychology in Brooklyn Heights, NY

The field of psychology receives extensive research, and the approaches that we use are based on thousands of scientific papers and study. But it is the connection between a therapist and their patient that often has the greatest impact.

That is why our focus here at Flourish Psychology is to provide you with that deep, comforting connection so that you know you’re being seen and understood, and that our therapists are using approaches designed specifically for you.

We also operate a bit differently. We are an out of network provider, which allows us the freedom to combine from different approaches and adjust our treatment plans to fit you without the limitations of insurance requirements. We use or integrate elements from many mental health styles, such as:

We also offer couples counseling, utilizing approaches such as Gottman Method, Emotion Focused Therapy, Reflective Listening and many others. We are also here to just talk. We work with many in high profile, high stress positions (executives, celebrities, influencers), providing not only discretion, but a person that they can share their concerns, needs, and growth challenges with.

Conditions We Treat

At Flourish Psychology, we do not believe that a diagnosis is needed to support you with your mental health. We are happy to meet you, talk to you, and see the ways that we can help make sure that you’re moving forward to the next level in your life in a way that is happier, more fulfilling, and more true to yourself.

Still, we also know that many people seek out therapists when they feel they are struggling with conditions that many people experience, such as:

Our therapists also provide couples counseling and marriage therapy, supporting couples – and individuals – through communication issues, marital challenges, and other struggles that affect your relationships.

Contact Flourish Psychology Today

Flourish Psychology’s therapists in Brooklyn Heights are here to help you manage your life, identify and address setbacks, and feel your worth. We see our patients via TeleHealth, with an office at 32 Court St, Suite 1901, Brooklyn, NY 11201 for select patients. Get connected to one of our amazing therapists today. Call us to get started.

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