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CBT for Anxiety in Brooklyn and NYC with Flourish Psychology

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Cognitive behavioral therapy, or “CBT,” is considered one of the most widely recognized, extensively studied treatment solutions for many mental health conditions. It is especially useful for those struggling with anxiety and anxiety disorders.

CBT It is based on the premise that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and that changing negative thought patterns can lead to changes in feelings and behaviors. It is a structured, goal-oriented approach that is shown to provide both short and long-term anxiety relief for patients struggling with anxiety disorders.

If you are interested in pursuing CBT for anxiety in Brooklyn, New York City, or any in our network of 30 states, please contact Flourish Psychology today.

Why Choose Flourish Psychology?

Flourish Psychology is a boutique private practice located in NYC, but licensed to provide remote therapy throughout a large portion of the United States. We are here to make sure you feel cared for.
We are here to help get to know you as a person, and work with you to determine the best strategy for addressing your mental health needs and challenges – whether that is CBT or any other type of therapy. For patients struggling with anxiety, we make sure that you’re in an environment promoting calmness, clarity, and the belief that you are worth more than you know.

About CBT for Anxiety

Anxiety disorders, characterized by persistent and excessive worry, fear, or panic, can be debilitating. They cause long term stress that can lead to the development not only of further mental health issues, but also physical symptoms that can disrupt your ability to live a normal life.

CBT for anxiety focuses on identifying and challenging the irrational fears and beliefs that fuel anxiety symptoms.

During your CBT sessions, we focus our therapy on determining where you are struggling with your thought patterns, the behaviors you may have that fuel or contribute to anxiety, and what needs to happen to address those in maintainable ways.

The process includes:

Identifying Negative Thoughts

CBT helps individuals with anxiety to recognize their patterns of negative thinking, often characterized by catastrophizing or overestimating danger.

Challenging Irrational Fears

Through various techniques, therapists assist individuals in challenging and reframing their fearful thoughts into more realistic and balanced ones.

Learning Coping and Problem-Solving Skills

CBT equips individuals with strategies to manage and reduce their anxiety symptoms, such as relaxation techniques and problem-solving skills.

Exposure Therapy

Part of CBT for anxiety often involves exposure therapy, where individuals are gradually and systematically exposed to their fears in a controlled manner to reduce fear and avoidance behaviors.

Your CBT therapist is specifically trained to identify these issues, like negative thoughts, from the words you use and the way you respond to questions and processes. Often, we find that there are many that our patients do not realize that they have that affect the way they see the world and respond to it.

CBT Techniques for Anxiety

Cognitive bCognitive behavioral therapy is not one specific technique, but many, with approaches built around a wide variety of symptoms and struggles. A small example of the type of techniques used with CBT for anxiety include: ehavioral therapy is considered an appropriate treatment for a wide range of conditions, including:

Cognitive Restructuring

This involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and replacing them with more realistic, positive alternatives.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction Techniques

Methods like deep breathing, mindfulness, and progressive muscle relaxation are taught to help manage physiological symptoms of anxiety.

Behavioral Experiments

These are used to test the validity of negative beliefs and fears in real-world scenarios.

“Homework” Assignments

Practicing skills learned in therapy sessions in real-life situations is a critical component of CBT for anxiety.

CBT is also a form of talk therapy, and so a portion of our time is spent doing just that – talking – and trying to gain a greater understanding of you and who you are.

How Effective is CBT for Anxiety?

CBT is one of the most researched and proven effective treatments for anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias. CBT for anxiety is typically more focused and shorter in duration than other therapy forms, often yielding results within a few months.
Skills and strategies learned through CBT have long-term benefits, helping individuals to manage anxiety symptoms beyond the therapy sessions. It has been studied extensively at major Universities, and is widely adopted throughout the world by therapists of nearly every nation. While CBT is not the only therapy option available, you can trust that – when appropriate – it is a great option for you.

The Role of the Therapist in CBT for Anxiety

Our therapists’ role is crucial in guiding the individual through the process of understanding their anxiety, identifying thought distortions, and learning new, healthier ways of thinking and behaving. We provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment where individuals can safely explore and address their fears.
But it first starts with a call. If you need mental health support for anxiety, depression, or any other type of mental health need, please contact Flourish Psychology of Brooklyn today for more information, or to get started.

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