Choice Paralysis and Reaching Your Goals
It’s Hard to Make Decisions – But It’s Even Harder Not To Frequently,...
3 Things You May Not Know Can Create Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is complex. It is not something that happens overnight, nor is it...
Your Set Point Weight and the Development of Eating Disorders
One of our specialties here at Flourish Psychology is treatment for eating...
It’s Okay to Experience Relief at Cancelled Plans
2025 is around the corner, and now is as important a time as any to remind...
Everyone Needs a Therapist – Even Your Therapist
One of the most common responses to the idea of seeing a therapist is that...
What Could Cause Seasonal Depression to Worsen?
It’s the middle of December, and for many, that means that now is the time...
What Is the Biological Mechanism That Causes Hypersomnia With Depression?
Typically, when we talk about depression, we discuss the feelings of being...
One Way to Improve Your Dogs Behavior: Focus on Your Own Mental Health
We love our dogs and they love us – so much so that dogs respond to our...
How Holiday Conversations Can Reduce Anxiety in the Future
Uncertainty can often be the enemy of comfort, and while there are many things...