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Online Therapy in NYC – Remote Therapy, Based in Brooklyn, and Serving All of NY State

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online therapy is convenient, accessible and effective.

it’s therapy on your terms.

The world of therapy is changing. Flourish Psychology is an NYC-based boutique private practice that specializes in remote therapy: online therapy through video technology and other means that allows you to receive evidence-based, effective therapy, from a location that is comfortable for you.

We are licensed to provide online therapy anywhere in New York State. Based in Brooklyn, our remote therapy options help you receive the treatment you need from a place that is convenient to you, with no commute and flexible scheduling. Call us at 917-737-9475 to schedule your first intake appointment.

Online Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and More

Research into online therapy has shown that it can be just as effective as in-person therapy, with the added convenience of taking place in a comfortable space that is meaningful for you. Whether you’re at home, at the office, on vacation, or in your car, online therapy is a way that we can help you address mental health challenges and thrive.

At Flourish Psychology, we can provide online therapy for any issue that may be affecting you:




We’re here to give you someone to talk to about the issues that you are struggling with. We are not necessarily interested in if you have a “diagnosis.” What we are interested in is making sure that you’re able to live your best possible life.

Online Couples Counseling for NY Partners

Online therapy is not only for individuals. We are also able to offer online couples therapy. It’s often hard for two partners – especially those going through challenges – to find time to be together in a safe space for both of them.

Online couples counseling in NY helps, as it cuts down on commute time, makes scheduling easier, and feels safer for both parties involved.

therapy where you are

At Flourish Psychology, we believe that you should get the best treatment possible, and we also believe that the best way to get that treatment is through online therapy. No matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing, online therapy allows you to get ongoing help and support from anywhere with internet access, in NYC and beyond.

We are licensed to provide online therapy anywhere in New York State, and are currently based in Brooklyn, in NYC. Please contact us for more information about our services, and let’s match you with a therapist that is ready to support you. 

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