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Identifying the Causes Of Your Anxiety

One of the first steps to calming your anxiety about COVID is to understand it. It is helpful to understand the root cause of your anxiety, and the moments and times where it most affects you. It is important to ask yourself questions such as ” When do I feel most nervous?” and “When do I feel most relaxed?”. These questions allow you to make the distinction between moments of stress and moments of peace, and make a plan to spend more moments in peace rather than worry.

For example one of your stressors could be reading or watching the news about the virus. It is important to stay informed on ways to prevent the spread of the virus and to learn the signs and symptoms of the virus. Websites like CDC and the World Health Organization spread accurate information about the virus, and leave out unnecessary information that could lead to more stress. However, reading about the increase in deaths as a result of the virus or the rapid spread of the virus can cause an increase in anxiety and stress.

As a result, one way to calm your anxiety would be to tune into news about the virus less often than you normally would. This can also include taking a break from social media, or spending less time on your phone. If you notice that employing these two methods aid in relieving some of your anxiety then continue to use them, as a method to better your mental state.

Limit Negative Thinking

Another method to limiting stress, and worry about COVID-19 would be to limit negative thinking. It is incredibly easy to focus on the negative thoughts, thus causing them to multiply, leaving you with little to no room to think positively. Try to be wary of your thoughts, as they can add to your anxiety and do your best to enforce positive thoughts. Focus on what you are grateful for despite the whirlwind the virus has created, and keep a journal. You can also try listing things you are thankful for daily, to deflect attention from your negative thoughts and to start focusing on the good in your life. Your list can be as short or as long as you want it to be, what’s important is that you are focusing on thoughts that help you relax, and think less negatively.


It is also important to try to keep in touch with your loved ones. While this may be difficult in times of self- quarantine and isolation, try to text, call, or email your loved ones. Make an effort to keep them updated, laugh with them, and try to uplift one another. If you are quarantined with your family members make it a point to talk to them, and spend moments with them. Spend physical time with those you are quarantined with, and keep in contact with those away from you.

Do The Things You Love

Continue to do the things you love! Continue to celebrate and take part in your hobbies. Sing, dance like no ones watching, paint, recite monologues, work out, sew, or do whatever you love to do. It can be exciting to practice a passion in the comfort of your own home and discover the feelings it brings along. Read that book you’ve been meaning to read, watch that new show, or continue to practice playing your instrument. Try to find humor where you can, and smile when you can.

Lastly remind yourself that this too shall pass.

If your anxiety or stress levels fail to get better, contact us to schedule a consultation to help combat the issues you are facing. We are here to help, and dedicated to helping improve your mental and emotional health.

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