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4 Types Of Self-Care You May Be Neglecting

4 Types Of Self-Care You May Be Neglecting

In a fast-paced world where others are depending on us, it’s easy to neglect our own needs. However, it’s important to remember that you can’t show up as your best self if your needs haven’t been taken care of. By neglecting self-care, we are not only doing ourselves a disservice, we’re also less able to serve the people in our lives or perform well at work.

By now, you’re probably well aware that self-care is more than just your skincare routine or a trip to the salon. Self-care has been described as “taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others.” Real self-care isn’t about escaping the stresses of life. Rather, it’s about doing the things that are necessary to create a life you don’t need to escape from. This often requires doing things you may not want to do, to reduce future stresses and to make life easier in the long run. It may require difficult or uncomfortable tasks, habits, or conversations.

Are you taking a holistic approach to your self-care? Here are four aspects of self-care that are commonly overlooked or neglected.

Financial Self-Care

In a recent survey, almost 75% of Americans ranked finances as the most significant source of anxiety in their lives. For millennials and Gen Z’ers, there is an even greater likelihood of financial stress, given the harsh economic climate they were forced to come of age in. Millennials are more likely to be in debt, and less likely to have savings than Baby Boomers did in their 20’s and 30’s.

Financial self-care means doing the things that are necessary to reduce your likelihood of experiencing anxiety related to your money. This can include setting a budget, tracking your finances, reviewing your statements, and setting financial goals. Establishing an emergency fund can help ease anxiety because you’ll know that you can handle anything that may unexpectedly arise. By taking the time to keep your finances in order, you’re less likely to be stressed out by them. Financial stability brings a sense of ease and comfort.

Practical Self-Care

Practical self-care consists of the tasks that will help your life to run more smoothly. When these things are in place, you’re better able to show up as your best self for the people in your life. Practical self-care can look different for everyone, depending on their needs and lifestyle. Someone who has a tendency to skip meals during busy workdays may benefit from meal prepping and packing a lunch bag to take to work. Those who struggle to make decisions in the mornings may benefit from selecting their outfit the night before, to reduce the possibility of stress tomorrow. Consider the situations in your life that tend to cause the most stress and put practical measures in place to make things easier for yourself.

Other examples of practical self-care include taking care of laundry, cleaning, and other household tasks, getting your car serviced, and optimizing your electronic devices.

Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual self-care includes those activities that nurture your spirit and help you to find meaning in the world. For some people, this includes practicing a religion, but there are many other examples of spiritual self-care. Practicing meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature can help to bring a sense of oneness with the world around you. Take the time to unplug from technology and read inspiring books or articles. Other examples of spiritual self-care include practicing gratitude, creating a vision board, dedicating time for self-reflection and journaling.

Professional Self-Care

Work is a big part of our lives and can affect our overall wellbeing. Finding fulfillment in your work and reducing work-related stressors are important for your mental and emotional health. Day-to-day examples of professional self-care include using tools and resources to improve your efficiency and productivity. Evaluate your workload to ensure you aren’t taking on more than you can handle. Take breaks throughout the workday to avoid getting burned out. Maintaining good relations with your coworkers also leads to a more fulfilling work life.

More “big picture” examples of professional self-care include taking professional courses, attending seminars or pursuing new qualifications or skills. Assess your long-term career goals and determine whether you are on the path to attaining those goals. By doing what’s necessary to get to a place of fulfillment in your work, you’ll reduce your stress and be better able to spend time with loved ones or pursue personal goals.

Self-Care and Balance

Stress can affect both your mental and physical health. In addition to increased depression, anxiety and substance abuse, stress can also lead to high blood pressure, insomnia, stomachaches and can even affect the menstrual cycle and immune system. When we’re stressed, we tend to be more irritable or quick to anger, which can impact our relationships. By neglecting certain aspects of self-care, we are likely to experience stress-related to those same areas of life. For example, when we neglect financial self-care, we are more likely to be stressed out by bills and missed payments.

By creating more balance in your life, you will notice a reduction in your stress. Prioritizing self-care allows you to balance the various facets of your life, for a feeling of holistic wellbeing. Although it may sound easy, it can be quite challenging to establish consistent self-care habits in your life. By working with a therapist, you’ll have expert guidance and support, which can hold you accountable as you seek to prioritize self-care and reduce stress. The therapists at Flourish Psychology can guide you in developing the skills needed to reduce stress in the moment and long-term.

Contact us to schedule your first session.

This Is How We’re Coping with Uncertainty in 2022

This Is How We’re Coping with Uncertainty in 2022

In 2022, coping with uncertainty can feel impossible. The future has never been certain, but for those of us living through a global pandemic, it’s even more uncertain than ever. Even though we’ve just started a brand new year, COVID-19 is far from being over. Over 58 million Americans have tested positive for the virus, and numbers continue to rise as the Omicron variant sweeps through the country. 

Besides causing uncertainty with regard to our health and the health of our loved ones, COVID-19 has impacted us in so many ways. We may be facing uncertainty regarding living situations, relationships, jobs, and finances. Scientists still aren’t quite sure how much longer we’ll be tackling the virus and most of us have accepted that there’s no “going back to normal” after this. 

This kind of uncertainty can have a detrimental effect on our mental health.  Anxiety is often triggered by uncertainty because we naturally have a deep desire for a sense of control over our lives. Uncertainty causes us to feel out of control, which can cause paranoia, panic, and stress. 

How NOT to Cope with Uncertainty

Before we dive into our strategies for dealing with uncertainty, let’s touch on some of the unhealthy ways. If left unchecked, our efforts to cope with anxiety can be harmful to us or those around us. For example, obsessing or ruminating is a common response to uncertainty. You may find yourself fixating on the subject of your anxiety, constantly seeking updates or spending lots of time researching the issue. You may even find yourself micromanaging the people around you as a means of coping with your feelings of uncertainty. 

Procrastination is another common method of coping with uncertainty. Being unable to predict the outcome of your actions can cause you to delay those actions altogether. You may avoid an important conversation because you aren’t sure what the other person will say. You may avoid looking at your bank statements because you feel a sense of uncertainty regarding the management of your finances. We covered strategies for reducing procrastination in a previous blog post. 

Coping with Uncertainty by Developing a Routine

During times of uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to develop solid routines. Our daily routines are, for the most part, within our control and we should make them as supportive as possible. Your daily routines provide you with a sense of structure and stability in an otherwise unpredictable world.

Consider developing a morning routine to begin your days on a positive note. Try not to pack too many things into your routine and be sure to give yourself some flexibility. Your routine should help to support you, not control you. A simple morning routine can include a few minutes of stretching, making a cup of tea or coffee and making your bed. 

Find Ways to Stay Grounded

Being grounded means having a sense of stability in your life. We all have those moments where we don’t even know what day it is and everything feels out of control. Being grounded means that (despite whatever challenges you’re facing), you’re able to be at peace in the present moment. There are many simple exercises you can do throughout your days to feel more grounded. A five-minute breathing exercise brings a sense of calm and control when emotions are running high. Take a mindful walk and observe your surroundings. 

What does it take for you to feel grounded? For some, it’s having a clean and tidy environment. For others, it’s ensuring their bills are paid on time. These more practical tasks are beneficial for your mental health because you’ll be able to remain present without worrying about overdue or overlooked obligations. 

Make Self-Care a Priority 

During times of uncertainty, it can be easy for self-care to fall to the wayside. We may find ourselves not keeping up with things like therapy or doctor’s appointments, forgetting to take medication, and not sleeping enough. Other examples of neglecting self-care include forgetting to eat or consuming foods with little nutritional value, neglecting hygiene or overworking ourselves to the point of burnout. 

Be deliberate about self-care. If it helps, set reminders on your phone to remind you to perform acts of self-care such as having a meal, staying hydrated or attending to your hygiene. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, eating nutritious foods and moving your body daily are essential. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you’re having difficulties coping with uncertainty, it helps to talk to a trusted friend or loved one. It’s always good to have someone to rely on during difficult times. Feeling supported can bring a greater sense of control over a situation, while a lack of support leaves you feeling alone and overwhelmed. Your friend may be able to offer another perspective, solutions or emotional support. 

Seeking help from a therapist is an excellent way to cope with the uncertainty of these times. Since the start of the pandemic, the demand for mental health services has steadily increased. The clinicians at Flourish Psychology do more than just provide a safe space for expressing your fears. Therapists are trained and qualified in various treatment methods for reducing or eliminating anxiety and other mental health conditions. 

By working with a therapist, you’ll also learn important skills for managing your emotions. By mastering cognitive and dialectical behavioral skills, you’ll be better equipped to handle challenges as they arise in your daily life. Despite the uncertainty around you, you’ll be able to cultivate a feeling of calm, control and stability. Contact us to schedule your first session. 

Lessons About Burnout from Olympic Athletes

Lessons About Burnout from Olympic Athletes

Before the French Open earlier this year, Japanese tennis phenom Naomi Osaka announced that she would not be conducting her mandatory media assignments. Citing mental health issues, Osaka did not participate in press conferences and other interactions with the media. She was fined and threatened with expulsion from the tournament. Shortly after, she announced that she would be withdrawing from the competition, again citing mental health issues. In mid-June, she announced (via her agent) that she would not be participating in the upcoming Wimbledon Championships. Naomi was experiencing burnout.

In the last week of June, celebrated gymnast Simone Biles stepped down at the Tokyo Olympic Games due to physical and mental health concerns and a need to protect her wellbeing. Biles was quoted as saying “People have to realize that we’re humans, we’re not just entertainment.”

Announcements like these were previously unheard of in the world of professional sports. While it’s the norm for athletes to take time off for physical injuries or to have a baby, there has been very little conversation around how mental health challenges can affect athletes and the need to take a break to preserve mental and emotional wellbeing. The back-to-back announcements from both athletes has sparked a much-needed conversation about mental health in the world of athletics and in the lives of everyday people. 

The Negative Impact of Stigma

Mental health stigma has been around for about as long as human beings have existed. For centuries of human history, people with mental illnesses have been misunderstood, discriminated against and stigmatized. Stigma is one of the reasons that it’s so hard to seek help for mental health issues. Though both athletes received an outpouring of support, they also received quite a bit of scrutiny.  There is an expectation placed on athletes to be strong and to push through difficulties no matter what. 

In the same way that Osaka and Biles have faced scrutiny, you may have faced similar responses from colleagues, friends or family members when you’ve opened up about mental health issues. Maybe you’re afraid to open up because of the reaction you’re expecting. By speaking up and seeking help when you need it, you’re showing incredible bravery.

Ease Burnout By Taking a Break

You don’t have to be an Olympian to have experienced significant stress or pressure. The demands of work, school, family, finances and other obligations can take a serious toll on your mental health. By pushing yourself too far, you risk becoming burned out, which can leave you feeling exhausted, empty and distant. 

Burnout is a normal reaction to prolonged stress and in a workplace context, it’s often accompanied by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism and reduced job performance. When experiencing burnout, you can start feeling alienated or removed from workplace activities and everything can start to feel pretty pointless. You may feel physically tired or may experience other physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches or digestive issues. 

Taking regular breaks is one of the best ways to prevent burnout and to care for your mental health. Use this time to relax, reflect, pause and return to work with increased energy and a more positive perspective. Breaks also help to improve our performance on the job, since working with a balanced and clear mind will lead to better results. 

Easy Ways to Incorporate Rest 

A break doesn’t have to come in the form of a weeklong vacation. Mini-breaks are very effective at helping you to manage your stress levels. Try taking breaks throughout your workday. After every hour of work, take a ten-minute break to stretch your legs, drink some water or go to the bathroom. When it’s your lunch hour, try to put your work away so you can truly enjoy your lunch and maybe take some time to chat with coworkers or read a chapter of a book. These short breaks are surprisingly impactful when it comes to reducing your day-to-day stress. 

Are you able to use your weekends more effectively to get in more rest? For many of us, weekends are a time to get things done that we weren’t able to do during the week. By shifting some of these tasks to weekdays, you can free up valuable time on Saturdays and Sundays that can be used for rest or leisure. Maybe you usually do grocery shopping on Saturday mornings. Is it possible to go one day after work so you can free up two hours on Saturdays? How about shifting tasks like laundry or vacuuming to weekdays?

Seeking Help for Workplace Burnout

Work is a significant aspect of our lives. We spend a lot of our time at work and for many of us, our career forms a large part of our identity and contributes to an overall feeling of satisfaction with life. If you’ve been feeling stressed or burnt out at work and think you may be reaching a breaking point, it’s time to reach out for help. 

Firstly, what kind of help can you get from friends and loved ones in terms of emotional and moral support. Having a community is vital when going through stressful times. It may be tempting to isolate yourself, but try to reach out or to be responsive when others reach out. 

Next, consider how viable it is to speak to HR about your work situation. Could it be possible to shift some responsibilities to a coworker who may have less on their plate? Is your manager or supervisor aware of your stress? If you’re constantly working overtime on a particular project, could it be that enough resources haven’t been allocated to the project? Have a conversation about your concerns to determine if any changes can be made. 

Working with a therapist is one of the most effective ways to manage workplace stress and burnout. The clinicians at Flourish Psychology understand the impact of a fulfilling career on your overall wellbeing. We want to help you to do your best work so you can live your best life.  Whether you’re handling workplace anxiety, considering transitioning into a new career or struggling to find work-life balance, we can provide expert guidance and support to lead you towards a career that brings more joy. 

By working with a therapist, you’re better able to ensure that you’re happy and fulfilled at work and in the other areas of your life. Contact us today to get started. 

How to Understand, Treat and Heal from PTSD

How to Understand, Treat and Heal from PTSD

Though not as prevalent as depression or anxiety, PTSD is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people across the world. In the past, the condition was known as “shell shock” or “combat fatigue” due to the distress experienced by soldiers after World Wars I and II. In 2021, we know that PTSD is not unique to military veterans, but can affect people from all walks of life. This disorder affects 3.5% of Americans, though women and people of color are disproportionately affected, due to racial and gender-based trauma.

What is post-traumatic stress disorder?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition brought on following exposure to a traumatic event. People living with PTSD are often plagued by distressing thoughts, dreams or flashbacks related to the traumatic incident. It is possible to experience a traumatic event without developing PTSD. It is also possible to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of PTSD with proper treatment and support.

While living with PTSD, it is common to have very intense and disturbing thoughts and feelings, even long after the traumatic event has passed. It is possible to continue reliving trauma for years, even if you do not get any obvious reminders of the incident. Nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts are all common experiences for persons with PTSD

what are the causes of ptsd?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is caused by exposure to a traumatic event. This can be repeated exposure or a single incident. Types of events that can lead to PTSD include physical or sexual assault or abuse, serious accidents, war, abject poverty and being a survivor of domestic violence. Surviving a natural disaster or widespread disastrous event is another common cause of PTSD. The COVID-19 pandemic is considered a traumatic event.  

Seeing or hearing other people being hurt or killed can also lead PTSD, even if you are not personally physically harmed by the incident. Women, LGBTQ people and people of color who experience discrimination based on their gender, sexuality or race can also experience PTSD.

signs and symptoms of ptsd

PTSD is diagnosed by evaluating your response to a traumatic event. Your clinician will ask you a series of questions to determine whether you fit certain criteria in order to diagnose you with PTSD and determine the best treatment plan for you.

The first criterion is the exposure to a traumatic event, which can come in the form of directly experiencing or witnessing an event or learning that the event has happened to a loved one. For those who witness distressing events in the context of work (such as police officers and first responders), repeated exposure can also lead to PTSD.

PTSD causes recurring, involuntary and intrusive memories of the traumatic event. Sometimes these memories seem to appear out of nowhere and other times, they are triggered by a visual, sound or even smell. People living with PTSD also experience distressing nightmares or flashbacks related to the event, which may feel incredibly real.

PTSD is also characterized by avoidance of certain places, people or situations that may trigger memories of the event. This can come in the form of intentionally taking a different route to avoid being near the vicinity of the incident, refusing to partake in certain activities or conversations and even being unable to listen to certain songs.

effective ways to treat ptsd

Fortunately, there are many research-backed, effective methods of managing and treating PTSD. By working with a therapist, the most ideal treatment plan will be determined for you, which may be one or more of these methods.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that seeks to change the way you think, feel and behave. It is incredibly effective at treating depression and anxiety, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder. Trauma-focused CBT enables you to come to peace with the event by helping to change the way you think about it and the way you think about yourself in the context of the event. Many people who experience traumatic events begin believing that they were at fault for what happened, that they deserved it or constantly fear that it may happen again. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you to rationally address your intrusive thoughts and replace them with more helpful messages.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapeutic modality that has been scientifically proven to significantly reduce symptoms of PTSD. Your therapist will ask you to recall the traumatic incident in detail while making certain movements with your eyes or being exposed to external stimuli such as hand tapping and other sounds. EMDR helps to “rewire” your brain to help you move past your intrusive thoughts about the incident.

Progressive Counting

Progressive counting (PC) is a fairly new, but well-researched treatment for PTSD and other trauma-related conditions. It has been shown to teach people how to regain control during racing thoughts, enabling you to make healthier decisions in the moment. During a PC session, your therapist will ask you recall the traumatic incident as if it were a movie while the therapist counts out loud. You repeat the story, but for a longer count this time. As you gradually recall more and more of the incident, you are able to emotionally process and heal.

As a person living with trauma, it’s understandable if you feel stuck or if it’s difficult for you to move on from your past. The therapists at Flourish Psychology can offer support and guidance on your journey to healing. By combining empathy and expertise, your clinician will determine the best treatment plan, so you can find peace and begin to thrive again. Contact us today to begin working with a therapist.

How to Manage Your Finances and Your Mental Health

How to Manage Your Finances and Your Mental Health

Mental health and finances are intrinsically linked. In a capitalist world where money impacts almost everything, we are bound to be emotionally and mentally affected by our finances. Financial concerns are the leading cause of stress and anxiety for American adults, which can easily lead to depression, as well as feelings of guilt or shame. Money affects our self-esteem, our relationships and our ability to show up in the world.

Here are just a few ways that mental health and finances are linked, as well as tips for developing a healthier relationship with your money.

Mental Health and Impulsive Shopping

A little retail therapy every once in a while can be a lot of fun, especially if done responsibly. But for many people, this can easily turn into impulsive or excessive spending that can lead to high consumer debt and depleted savings. When going through depression, it’s very common to make purchases to help you to feel better. Shopping can provide temporary excitement or happiness that you may later regret.

There are some strategies you can try if you notice that your spending is getting out of hand due to depression or impaired mental health. One method is to specifically budget “fun money” that is set aside for shopping, going out to eat or other enjoyable activities. By planning for this in advance, you can ensure that you don’t dip into your savings or into money that should be used for other purposes. Another helpful strategy is to come up with a list of free or low-cost activities that you can turn to when you are feeling low.

If your impulsive spending has gotten out of control, you can also benefit from a few sessions with a therapist. Sometimes, we use spending to avoid uncomfortable emotions that we should be addressing. A therapist can help you to uncover the reasons for your excessive spending, which is the first step to curbing it.

Financial Stress and Anxiety

Without a doubt, money is the number one source of stress and anxiety for American adults. We constantly worry about whether we are making enough, saving enough, spending too much and whether we are sufficiently preparing for our financial future. Financial difficulties can create a sense of scarcity and can even cause tension in your relationships. The stress of your finances can leave you feeling depressed or anxious, which in turn makes it harder to manage your finances.

It’s important to remember that your mental health is a priority, even in the face of financial difficulty. Finding affordable ways to take care of yourself and to enjoy life can enable you to be mentally healthy enough to handle the difficulties that may come your way. Remember that most people experience financial difficulty at some point, so don’t be ashamed to talk to a trusted friend or partner. Even if they are unable to provide practical solutions, having a strong support system is a key element of taking care of your mental health.

For more practical assistance, you may wish to discuss your finances with a professional such as a financial advisor. Armed with tools and knowledge, you can feel more confident in your ability to improve your finances, which can alleviate some of your stress and anxiety.

Guilt and Shame Surrounding Finances

In a capitalist society, we are often judged by the contents of our bank accounts and our level of financial stability. For this reason, it’s very common to develop feelings of guilt and shame surrounding your finances. You may feel as if you haven’t made enough progress with your savings or debt payments, or you may feel guilty about overspending or being unable to afford certain things. Some people even feel guilty because they earn more money than their peers, which can lead to tension or jealousy in relationships.

It’s normal to feel an occasional twinge of guilt after a pricy night out or shopping trip, but if you are in a constant state of shame about your finances, this will affect your overall mental health. It is helpful to determine whether your feelings of guilt are based on your financial reality, or if you are simply being too hard on yourself when your finances are not that bad. Guilt is an emotion that can indicate that you may need to make some changes in your life, but if you are feeling needlessly guilty, it can be helpful to discuss these feelings with a therapist. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is particularly helpful for addressing chronic guilt or shame.

ADHD and Money Management

For many people with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), money management can be a source of challenge and stress. ADHD is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms such as procrastination, impulsivity and inattention. These traits can cause financial management to be particularly difficult for adults living with ADHD. Forgetfulness and inattention can easily lead to unpaid bills, losing track of your spending and an inability to get organized about your finances. The impulsivity that often comes with ADHD can lead to financial instability due to impulsive spending, as well as credit card debt or a depleted savings account.

Research indicates that adults living with ADHD tend to have higher levels of debt, less savings and less financial stability that their neurotypical counterparts. Due to limited knowledge about this disorder, many people don’t make the link between ADHD and impaired money management.  Once you’re able to recognize the ways that ADHD impacts your life, you can begin to put systems in place to better manage your finances. Helpful strategies include automating bill payments and transfers to your savings account, so that these tasks can get done without you having to remember to do them.

If you have been experiencing stress, anxiety or depression related to anxiety, don’t be afraid to seek help. The clinicians at Flourish Psychology can help you to address any mental roadblocks to help you to develop a more positive relationship to your money. Schedule a free consult today to get matched with a therapist who meets your needs.

How to Reduce Stress as You Return to the Office

How to Reduce Stress as You Return to the Office

When COVID-19 became a threat in March of 2020, several measures were put in place to help curb the spread of the virus. In addition to mandatory mask-wearing and stay-at-home orders, many companies began implementing remote work policies which saw employees working from home instead of commuting to the office. Fast forward to the summer of 2021 and we’ve seen many strides in overcoming the pandemic. With many people now vaccinated and as quarantine restrictions become looser, companies around the world are requiring employees to return to the office as we try to usher in a post-COVID lifestyle.

Depending on your personal circumstances, you may be quite happy to return to the office, or you may be dreading it. Many people have come to enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working from home and the benefits it provides, such as reducing transportation and clothing expenses and the ability to take care of children and pets while working. Others miss their pre-COVID routines of commuting to an office because it allowed for better separation of personal and professional life. Others are simply more productive in an office setting or enjoy being able to interact with their coworkers. Regardless of your feelings towards returning to the office, it will certainly be a big transition for all of us after a year and a half of getting accustomed to remote work.

Evaluate Your Concerns

There are many understandable concerns that you may have about returning to the office. Maybe you’re concerned about the virus itself and whether a return to work may cause you to get sick. To help ease this anxiety, consider the methods you can use to keep safe. If you and your coworkers are vaccinated, there is a significantly smaller chance of contracting or spreading the virus. Regardless, it’s still a good idea to continue practicing social distancing, frequent sanitizing of your hands and wearing your mask. By using these safety measures, you can feel a bit more confident in your ability to stay healthy, which can help to ease your anxiety.

Maybe your concerns are about a lack of flexibility that may come with returning to the office. If you have come to enjoy working remotely and want to continue doing so, you may wish to consider all your options. Is there any room for negotiating with your employer? It may be possible to come to an agreement about a hybrid system where you come in office some days and work from home on other days. Otherwise, you may want to consider transitioning out of your current job by searching for one that allows for remote work. For many people, the pandemic was the catalyst they needed to make positive changes towards a more rewarding career.

Focus on the Positives

We all know the many benefits of positive thinking. Positive thinkers are better able to cope with challenging or distressing situations and tend to have better mental and physical health. By taking an optimistic view of a situation, it can become a lot more manageable, but by focusing on the negatives, the experience is likely to be a drag.

Even if you are reluctant to return to the office, see if you can find something to look forward to about heading back. One benefit of working in an office is the ability to better separate your personal and professional life. For many people who work from home, work never seems to stop because there is no real line of demarcation between the office and the home. Coming home to your comfort zone after a day of work is often a satisfying feeling because you’re able to leave work at the office, which is a lot more difficult when you work at home.

Another potential positive about returning to the office is an increase in productivity. For many workers, the home office is a place of many distractions such as family members, pets or the doorbell. A lot of people are able to perform more efficiently in an office setting, leading to a better quality of work and higher satisfaction on the job.

For many people, lockdown was a lonely time and a return to the office brings a welcome opportunity to interact and socialize with colleagues. Teamwork can be a lot easier and more fun when teammates are working together in person. Though Zoom is convenient, there’s nothing quite like collaborating and brainstorming in person.

Setting Boundaries at the Office

Working in an office makes it easier to leave work at work. You’re better able to set boundaries with your time and manage people’s expectations of you. Now is the time to evaluate the boundaries that you wish to set with your coworkers and superiors. Maybe you will not answer work-related calls or emails after 5:00 and on the weekends. This kind of boundary might have been more difficult to set when working from home, because there may be an expectation that you are always on the clock.

In a post-COVID world, we also need to consider setting boundaries with our physical space. Whether or not you are vaccinated, it’s still a good idea to continue practicing social distancing as much as possible. You may have to prepare yourself to set boundaries regarding handshakes, hugs and other physical contact, depending on your own comfort level. If these kinds of conversations are difficult for you, try practicing them ahead of time so you will know exactly what to say to coworkers if the need arises.

Make Self-Care a Priority

As with any major life transition, it’s important to practice self-care to ensure that your physical and emotional needs are being met. You may need to create a new self-care routine that is compatible with your life at the office. For example, you may wish to develop a new morning routine to ensure a peaceful and enjoyable start to your days. Ensure you are keeping a healthy sleep schedule by going to bed at an early enough time and at about the same time every night. Starting your day with sufficient rest, a healthy breakfast and even a spiritual practice can lead to a better day at the office.

Here at Flourish Psychology, we understand that work contributes to your overall happiness and sense of purpose in life. Counseling with a therapist can help you to identify and work towards a more satisfying and fulfilling career, while reducing work-related stress or anxiety. To schedule your first session, contact us today.

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