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Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Complex PTSD) is a condition that results from prolonged exposure to traumatic events, often characterized by ongoing emotional, psychological, and physical distress.

Unlike PTSD, which can develop from a single traumatic incident, Complex PTSD arises from enduring trauma, such as long-term abuse, chronic exposure to war zones, or repeated personal violations. This condition can deeply affect an individual’s mental health, leading to a range of symptoms that can significantly impair one’s quality of life.

Complex PTSD encompasses a broader spectrum of symptoms compared to PTSD, reflecting the complex nature of prolonged trauma exposure. Individuals with Complex PTSD may experience:

  • Persistent Emotional Dysregulation – Difficulty in managing emotions, leading to sudden mood swings, intense anger, or persistent sadness.
  • Altered Self-Perception – Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or shame, often accompanied by a distorted self-image.
  • Difficulties in Relationships – Problems in forming or maintaining healthy relationships due to trust issues, social withdrawal, or a pervasive sense of isolation.
  • Detachment from Reality – Dissociation or feeling detached from oneself or the surrounding environment as a coping mechanism.

Complex PTSD often requires mental health support, because the struggle associated with the condition can be pronounced for those that struggle with it.

The Role of Somatic Therapy in Treating Complex PTSD

At Flourish Psychology, we have several distinctive approaches for addressing conditions like complex PTSD, and our goal is to determine which approach is best for you. Some of our therapists are specialists in PTSD treatment, and one of the modalities that they may use is known as “Somatic Therapy.”

Somatic Therapy is an integrative therapeutic approach that emphasizes the connection between the body and mind in the healing process. It is based on the understanding that trauma not only affects the mind but also leaves a lasting imprint on the body.

Somatic Therapy incorporates physical techniques, such as deep breathing, movement, and sensory awareness, to help individuals reconnect with their bodies, release stored tension, and address the somatic aspects of trauma. It provides benefits that include:

  • Releasing Traumatic Energy – Traumatic experiences can lead to the accumulation of stress and tension in the body. Somatic Therapy facilitates the release of this stored energy, promoting physical and emotional relief.
  • Enhancing Body Awareness – By increasing awareness of bodily sensations and responses, individuals can gain insights into their emotional states and triggers, fostering a deeper understanding of their trauma.
  • Regulating the Nervous System – Somatic techniques can help in regulating the autonomic nervous system, which is often dysregulated in individuals with Complex PTSD, leading to hyperarousal or hypoarousal states.
  • Restoring a Sense of Control – Trauma can lead to feelings of powerlessness and loss of control. Somatic Therapy empowers individuals by involving them actively in their healing process, helping them regain a sense of agency over their bodies and emotions.

Somatic therapy is a specialty, and often benefits from someone that has experience in this specific therapeutic approach. It is also not right for all patients, some of whom may benefit from other approaches, such as EMDR. We will work together to determine what the best option is for you.

Contact Flourish Psychology Today

Complex PTSD is a multifaceted condition that extends beyond the psychological impact of trauma to encompass physical and somatic symptoms. Somatic Therapy offers a promising avenue for addressing the embodied nature of trauma, facilitating a holistic healing process that integrates the body and mind. By focusing on the somatic experience of trauma, this therapeutic approach can help individuals with Complex PTSD navigate their healing journey, fostering resilience, and promoting overall well-being.

For more information, or to get started, contact Flourish Psychology, today.

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