What is Codependency and How Can You Identify it In Yourself?
Successful relationships are a partnership AND made up of two unique...
How Influencers and Social Media Influence the Uninfluenceable
Some people are easily affected by what they see on social media. They’re...
One Confusing Symptom of Anxiety Induced Hyperventilation
Anxiety is a mental health disorder. But it also causes a wide range of...
Benefits of Maintaining Close Friendships for Those with Social Anxiety
Human beings are social animals. We need and crave connection with others, and...
What Is Alexithymia and How Does It Occur in Those Who Have Experienced Trauma?
Trauma can dramatically change not only our life, but the way our brain...
Can EMDR Implant False Memories?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), typically referred to as...
How Does Depression Cause Irritability, Actually?
So often, when we talk about various mental health symptoms, we gloss over...
Do Dreams Have Meaning? Should I Care About My Dreams?
Most of us have had some strange dreams and, depending on who you talk to,...
Choice Paralysis and Reaching Your Goals
It’s Hard to Make Decisions – But It’s Even Harder Not To Frequently,...